Sunday, July 10, 2011

french Bread Pizza *MDHH

This can be done with french bread, or smaller bread such as sub size bread.  It's easy and fun.  And delicious! (france does not get a capital F in any way!).  This one would be a fun one to get the kiddos involved in.

french or Sub Bread
Spaghetti or Pizza sauce such as Ragu, etc.
Toppings of your choice (pepperoni, onion, sausage, olives, etc.)
Shredded Cheese
Parmesan Cheese (optional)

This is one of those recipes that you can change to suit your individual taste.

If you are using french bread, you might want to cut it in half so it will be easier but that's not necessary.  Slice the top half off of the bread, lay the bottom and top halves face-up on a cookie sheet or baking pan.  It's not necessary to grease the pan, but if you have a pan that you know food will stick to then I'd suggest hitting it lightly with a non-stick spray or a little olive oil.  Spoon sauce on the bread, spread so it's even.  Then add the other toppings, we usually put the shredded cheese on last but it can be first if you want.  The parmesan is usually added after it bakes, but it can be put on prior to baking.

Bake at 350 degrees for 8 - 10 minutes, but you will need to check it before the 8 minutes.  If your bread is thin, it will cook faster.  Depending on the bread size and number of toppings, it might also take longer than 10 minutes.

**Measurements Don't Happen Here!