This is a fruit juice concoction, it's meant for things like arthritis and sore knees (like mine). It's probably just good for you anyway, but it is acidic.
Health Drink
64 oz. Red Grape Juice (It needs to be RED grape juice which can be hard to find).
64 oz. Apple Juice
1 1/2 cups Apple Cider Vinegar (Apple Cider Vinegar, not Apple Cider!)
Mix or stir together. Keep refrigerated. Drink 1/2 cup daily, you can drink more but 1/2 cup is the recommended amount.
Like I said before, this is acidic! But it's pretty good, although it might take some getting used to. It reminds me of cranberry juice in some ways, although it's more tart. We used to drink it on a regular basis, I forget why we quit but I think I'm going to mix some up and start drinking it daily again. It certainly can't hurt, and it might help my knees.